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Des Ailes Au-dessus Du Diamantina
(Wings Over the Diamantina)
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint

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Prenez un petit avion rouge, abandonné au milieu d'un lac asséché du Queensland. Dans l'avion se trouve une jeune fille sans connaissance, que rien ne peut faire sortir de sa léthargie. Ajoutez des personnages que seule l'Australie peut engendrer : éleveur isolé, médecin volant, as de l'aviation, vieux sage aborigène, et, bien sûr, l'inspecteur Napoléon Bonaparte. N'oubliez pas le paysage aride, sur lequel déferlent les eaux du Diamantina, et vous avez un roman policier : d'Arthur Upfield, naturellement.

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Die Leute von nebenan
(An Author Bites the Dust)
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint

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Wieded einmal übernimmt Inspektor Bonaparte, der berühmte »Bony«, einen Kriminalfall, über den bereits Gras gewaschen ist: den rätselhaften Tod des Schriftsellers Mervyn Blake.
Zum Glück hatte Blake eine sehr neugierige Nachbarin, deren scharfen Augen nur wenig entging…
Arthur W. Upfield: geboren 1888 in England, wanderte nach Australien aus und bereiste per Anhalter diesen Kontinent. Seine dabe als Pelztierjäger, Schafzüchter, Goldsucher und Opalschürfer gewonnenen Erlebnisse fanden Eingang in 30 Kriminalromane. Hauptfigur ist der sympathische Inspektor Bonaparte, der mit faszinierender Findigkeit verzwickte Situationen und menschliche Probleme zu entwirren versteht.
Upfield starb 1964, und »Reclams Kriminalromanführer« meint zu seinem schriftstellerischen Lebenswerk: »Seine Krimis gehören zum Besten, was die australische Literatur zu bieten hat.«

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Electric Blue

Sebastian Jack
Improbable Press

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Hephaestus Forge Biotech crafts the gods of tomorrow. Manufacturing prosthetic limbs and bespoke organs, they're represented by double-leg amputee spokesmodel Cymbre Archer. But a lifetime in the spotlight and wearing company tech has taken its toll on Archer, body and soul, and she's now addicted to painkillers and prone to violent outbursts.
Then her coordinator steals a robot from the company's lab and asks her to hide it. Blindsided when a living, feeling automaton arrives on her doorstep in a crate, Archer finds that Caelan brings with him an unexpected humanity – and the desperate need for a savior.
Archer's no hero, and though she's not the savior Cael needs, it turns out she's the best one he's got.

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Escape from Hell

G. S. Willmott
Crabtree Pty Ltd

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Escape from Hell by G.S. Willmott documents the history of POW escapes. Each chapter focuses on a particular character, conflict of prison camp, and follows the ingenious, determined, and often fruitless attempts made to leave enemy territory and get back to home ground. Some of these stories may be familiar, and others, not. All have one thing in common; the burning desire of the soldier not to be a victim.
Told with G.S. Willmott's trademark mix of history and dramatisation, Escape from Hell is up there with his best.
- Terry Amos
Detailing the accounts of escapes and of the few lucky escapees and some of the positive actions along with the unspeakable atrocities meted out in concentration death camps, Garry has managed to make what is essentially a gruelling and brutal subject highly readable. Robbie Burns "Man's inhumanity to man, makes countless thousands mourn" unfortunately sums it all up. Reading this has left a lasting impression. Historically accurate, factual and graphic this is a well researched and written book. Thank you Garry Willmott.
- Bruce Cook

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Flirtle the Turtle Finds a Friend

S Solo; Andrew Saltmarsh
Little Steps Publishing

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“Happy and fun is what Flirtle pretends, because Flirtle the turtle doesn’t have a best friend.”
Join Flirtle the turtle on her journey to find a best friend!

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Fremde sind unerwünscht
(Bony and the Kelly Gang)
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint

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Kein Fremder darf es wagen, das südaustralische Tal zu betreten, in dem die Nachkommen einer irischen Gangsterbande hausen. Nur Inspektor Napoleon Bonaparte ist kühn genug, sich unter falschem Namen in die Gemeinschaft zu schmuggeln. Was er herausfindet, beunruhigt Bony nicht allzusehr: Schwarzbrennerei, handfeste Prügeleien - doch plötzlich stößt er auf einen Mord ...
Arthur W. Upfield (1888-1964) wanderte mit neunzehn Jahren nach Australien aus. Seine Erfahrungen als Pelztierjäger, Schafzüchter und Goldsucher fanden Eingang in seine Romane. "Upfields Krimis gehören zum Besten, was die australische Literatur zu bieten hat."
Reclams Kriminalromanführer

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Gefahr für Bony
(The Lake Frome Mystery)
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint

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Arthur W. Upfield gehört zu jenen Autoren, die von den Geschöpfen ihrer dichterischen Phantasie an Popularität weit übertroffen werden. Wer weiß schon, daß er der geistige Vater des berühmten Inspektors Napoleon Bonaparte, genannt Bony, ist? Bony hingegen erfreut sich bei zahlreichen Lesern in vielen Ländern ungewöhnlicher Beliebtheit. Und das auch zu Recht, ist er doch von all den großen Detektivhelden der Kriminalliteratur vielleicht der sympathischste und liebenswerteste, bestimmt aber ist er kein furchteinflößender Superman. Als Sohn einer eingeborenen Mutter und eines weißen Vaters vereint er in sich auf glückliche Weise die altüberlieferten Fähigkeiten der australischen Ureinwohner mit dem modernen Wissen der zivilisierten Welt. So nimmt es nicht wunder, daß er bei Fällen eingesetzt wird, an denen sich andere bereits die Zähne ausgebissen haben, und er darf mit berechtigtem Stolz behaupten, daß er noch nie versagt hat. Oft muß er inkognito auftreten, um ungestört seine Nachforschungen betreiben zu können, und im buchstäblichen Sinn schwere Arbeit leisten.
Der hier vorgelegte Roman zeigt ihn als Zaunarbeiter im wüstengleichen Innern Australiens, wo er es nicht nur mit einem Amok laufenden Kamel aufnehmen muß, bevor er dem Mörder die Hand auf die Schulter legen kann. Es erübrigt sich zu erwähnen, daß Bony auch diesmal seinen Ruf als letzte Waffe der Polizei mit Glanz verteidigt

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High Noon at Starbucks
And Other Stories
Richard Freadman
Hybrid Publishers

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High Noon at Starbucks is an eloquent and compelling exploration of human particularity in diverse cultural settings: the author's hometown of Melbourne, Trumpite Florida, posthandover Hong Kong, and Switzerland. Its themes include midlife experience, identity, mental and physical illness, gender, colonialism and the Holocaust. Whether comic, tragic or tragicomic, these stories are pervasively concerned with the complexities of the moral life. Their historical reach includes imaginative encounters with classics of nineteenth century fiction. Sophisticated but accessible, High Noon at Starbucks reminds us that fictional realism remains very much a going concern.
“Tonally complex and acutely observed, Richard Freadman's powerful stories take us into the inner world of conflicted men as they confront personal crises, and into the experience of the people with whom they share romantic, familial or fleeting relationships. Freadman’s exploration of the effect of patriarchy on both women and men extends the reach of Australian fiction. Running through the volume is a comic element, transgressive as well as funny.” – Hermina Burns, author

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Home Work
Essays on Love & Housekeeping
Helen Hayward
Puncher & Wattmann

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When Helen Hayward had her two children in London, 25 years ago, she found looking after them easy. Loving and looking after her kids was straightforward. However loving and looking after her home was not. She had long been instructed to put her career first. So she did. Yet what to do with the mushrooming laundry by the bathroom door? And what about if she actually liked cooking? Home Work is a series of personal essays motivated by three questions:
1. Is there an art to running a home?
2. Can it be a satisfying thing to do?
3. Has the work we do around the home - which accounts for roughly a 1/4 of our waking hours - something important to teach us about life itself?

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Just Go For It
How To Grow a Multi-Million Dollar Business with No Paid Advertising
Jacine Greenwood
Global Publishing Group

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How I went from failure to massive success and how you can too...
International author, speaker, coach and entrepreneur Jacine Greenwood shares how she went from failure to the fastest growing beauty brand in Asia-Pacific. She shares the exact steps and processes she used to grow a multi-million dollar business in multiple countries. These insights, tips and tricks will help you grow your brand or business with these simple and powerful strategies.
You'll learn:
- How to increase your revenue by 400% without working longer hours
- The golden rules for hypnotic writing that seduces your customer every time
- How to be a unicorn in a crowded market
- The secret to inspiring staunch loyalty and referrals from your customers
- Trade secrets of developing a cult product that creates raving fans
- How to create visually stunning images that are magnetically attractive
- Breakthrough systems that show you how to dominate your market
If you want success, then read this book now!

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Kaikoura Rendezvous

Stephen Johnson
Clan Destine Press

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Two Melbourne TV journalists are on a well-earned holiday, travelling New Zealand in a motorhome. Will they survive a monster storm and a killer on the loose?
Kim Prescott survived a killer's bullet in Melbourne but can't shake the PTSD. For Jo Trescowthick the trip is a chance to confront family demons. The third in the Melbourne Spotlight series finds Kim and Jo on a road trip from Auckland on the north island to the tourist mecca of Queenstown in the deep south; Rotorua mud pools, Kaikoura whale watching, the stunning Marlborough Sounds. They won't make it.
Debt-ridden South Island fisherman and ex-con Gordie Tulloch is offered the deal of a lifetime. Is it legal? He doesn't care. All he has to do is survive the storm approaching the Shaky Isles. But Gordie's every move is under scrutiny by a man whose own secrete are about to spill into public view.
And then of course Mother Nature has her own agenda. Cyclone Gita is on a serpentine path of destruction through the tropics that will see her smash into New Zealand.
The cyclone, the motorhome, the fisherman, and the watcher all face an unexpected rendezvous in Kaikoura.

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Le Business de M. Jelly
(Mr Jelly's Business)
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint

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"Comment diable sommes-nous ainsi passes, a l'etourdie, a cote des aventures de Napoleon Bonaparte, dit Bony?"
Jean-Luc Porquet, Canard Enchaine

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Le Secret de Hanging Rock

Joan Lindsay
ETT Imprint

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Le roman classique de Joan Lindsay, Pique-Nique à Hanging Rock, est un mélange subtil d'événements mystérieux et effrayants qui se déroulent à une certaine période de la société australienne, décrite avec une nostalgie affectueuse. Le dernier chapitre du roman a été enlevé à la demande de ses éditeurs, créant ainsi un mystère dont des milliers de personnes ont demandé à connaître la solution. Le chapitre manquant révèle ce qui est arrivé aux écolières qui ont disparu de Hanging Rock après un pique-nique le jour de la Saint-Valentin en 1900.
Avec des commentaires de John Taylor et d'Yvonne Rousseau, ce livre est publié pour la première fois en France, dans une traduction de Marie-Laure Vuaille-Barcan.
Nous trouvons ici une sorte de réponse au mystère qui se situe au coeur de Pique-Nique à Hanging Rock. Nous découvrons pourquoi, une semaine après sa disparition, Irma Leopold, l'héritière aux boucles noires rebondies, est retrouvée avec des doigts ensanglantés mais des pieds nus "parfaitement propres" qui ne présentent "aucune égratignure ni ecchymose". Nous voyons la manifestation de l'obsession de Lindsay pour le temps - il est dit qu'elle ne pouvait pas porter de montre parce qu'elles s'arrêtaient toujours, comme c'est le cas dans le livre. Nous assistons à la disparition de Miranda et de Marion. Nous voyons des corsets suspendus dans les airs. Nous assistons à une fin aussi insolite que Lindsay le laisse supposer tout au long de Pique-nique à Hanging Rock. - Rony Ash, Literary Hub

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Line of Blood
The Truth of Alfred Howitt
Craig Horne
Melbourne Books

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In reading the book, parts of Howitt's character made my skin crawl, but the uncovering of his life was revelatory ... I believe the publication of Line of Blood will be at a very pertinent time. - Bruce Pascoe
Line of Blood tells the full story of Australia's so-called 'ablest anthropologist'; the botanist, geologist, senior public servant and explorer Alfred Howitt - and ancestor of the author, Craig Horne.
That Howitt was an extraordinary polymath is not challenged. And yet, his anthropological conclusions, coupled with his social and political influences, legitimised the murderous advance of white settlement upon the Australian landscape.
For Howitt, the 'line of blood' that followed white settlement was nothing more than the iron law of replacement, whereby an 'inferior race' is inevitably usurped by a 'superior civilisation'. His disastrously racist ideologies facilitated a pattern of neglect and dismissal of Australia's First Nations peoples - the conseqences of which reverberate today.

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Mr. Jelly's Geheimnis
(Mr Jelly's Business)
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint

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Mr. Jelly sammelt Fotos von Mördern. Die Wände seines Zimmers sind voll davon.
Mehrmals im Jahr verreist er. Ganz plötzlich. Und niemand weiß, warum.
Mick Landon kommt schließlich hinter Mr. Jellys Geheimnis.
Doch er kann nicht mehr erzählen, was er entdeckte.


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