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eBook Listing

Showing 811 to 825 of 913 titles

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Surviving Hal

Penny Flanagan
Puncher & Wattmann

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Mothers-in-law are famous for being difficult but when Nell marries Andy it’s her father-in-law, Hal, who is the problem. A corrosive force in his own family, Hal is a truly ugly Australian who spreads his corruption whenever he gets the chance. Surviving Hal takes place in Sydney and Thailand and is the story of Nell and Andy trying to keep their family together against the influence of a charismatic but ugly soul.
Praise for Penny Flanagan
"Poignant … balanced, delicately handled, quietly eloquent." - The Sydney Morning Herald
"Penny Flanagan has produced a stylish first novel studded with comic gems." - New Librarian
"Not since Helen Garner’s Monkey Grip has a book given me this feeling of fitting into another woman’s skin." - Marie Low

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Suzie & the Snowflake

Rebecca Keros; Andrew McIntosh
Little Steps Publishing

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When Sam the snowflake blows into Suzie’s bedroom by mistake, they embark on a grand adventure to help him find his way home. Suzie and the Snowflake is a magical wintertime adventure written in rhyme that celebrates the power and courage and friendship. Featuring educational resources and an activity section all about snow!

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Synchronicity and Dreaming
Guidance For Our Lives
Richard J King
ETT Imprint

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This is a book based upon the author's own experiences of synchronistic events and dreams over seventy years, from which he carved out his own path, philosophy, self-reliance and responsibility. This led him to understand life's infinite possibilities and abundance - should we take the time to contemplate one's inner journey with gratitude and compassion for all sentient beings, with redemption even for what appears to be the most vile one can imagine... By taking stock of daily events, one realises he or she is in the right lane travelling in the right direction on life's highway. The transit stops being just inner peace and happiness, the destination beyond our wildest imagination.

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Table for Three

Cara Donovan; Isobel Dorian
Clan Destine Press

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After Will manages to ruin his best friend Sweets' regular casual hook-up, he promises to atone by finding him a new lady friend.
Complication one: the woman Will's found is so amazing that he can't help being attracted to her himself.
Complication two: even the combined charms of two young devil-may-care restaurant entrepreneurs may not be enough to melt the wall of ice that she puts up between her and the world.
Can great food, great sex, and great friendship save the day?

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Take the Child and Disappear
A Memoir
Nina Bassat
Hybrid Publishers

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‘When five words uttered by a German soldier determine whether you live or die, you spend your life trying to unravel all the what-ifs. What if I had not been born in Poland in 1939? What if those five words had not been said? What if I had grown up in a safe, happy environment, surrounded by a large family?’
Take the Child and Disappear examines the Shoah (Holocaust) from multiple perspectives – before, during and after. As the author recounts her experiences and those of her family members, she contemplates the many ways being a child survivor has shaped her life, both consciously and unconsciously. ‘I have lived a happy and fulfilling life, surrounded by a large, loving family and enriched by years of community involvement. Yet despite this, there has always been a sense of dislocation and some unresolved questions, most troubling of which were – who am I and where do I belong? I thought a visit to Poland might answer them. It did not.’ The book is also about Hadassa, Nina’s courageous and wise mother.

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Take Your Business to the Next Level
The Essential Guide to Transforming Your Business and Profits in Today's Economy
Glen Michaelides
Global Publishing Group

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Proven success formulas and strategies to become great leaders and successful entrepreneurs.
International author and leading authority on business and transformational change Glen Michaelides shares his secret "In the Trenches" powerful tools and strategies used in his own multi-million dollar businesses giving you the "Behind the Curtain Look" generally only reserved for the rich, creating an unfair advantage for your business and ultimately your life.
You'll learn:
- Essential strategies to harness the power of thoughts for maximum results and creating a compelling future
- How to stop sabotaging your success and how to overcome this dangerous mistake
- 7 proven steps to driving a hype of activity into your business that could translate into millions of dollars in your bank account
- The little known psychological effect of gaining clarity and learn how to harness this to get exactly what you want
- How to position yourself as the authority and industry leading expert in your field
- How to stop the 3 killers of effectiveness from hijacking your productivity and profits
- How to get to your next level of health, happiness, knowledge and abundance.
"I enthusiastically endorse Glen Michaelides for his business coaching and personal mentoring. Glen was able to identify some strategic competitive advantages we were able to apply to our high profile power fitness gymnasium, to up our membership extensively. Glen left no stone unturned with his approach in ensuring we had a real rubber to the road plan. I can assure you that working with Glen will produce positive results." - Peta and Adam Baker, 'Bodybuilding Champions' Power Fitness, Perth WA

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Taking Off
How To Be Paid To Travel
Merrian Styles
Global Publishing Group

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International author, speaker and world traveller, Merrian Styles shares her experiences living as an expat for over twenty years, travelling to over 25 destinations worldwide. In this book the author shares decades of tips and strategies that are essential for survival and successful living and working abroad. Merrian is renowned as the "Expat Expert".
You'll learn:
- What it takes to be paid to travel
- Strategies from the greats, how they did it, how I did it, and how you can too
- The essential keys to successful living and working overseas
- How intuition, insight and self-evaluation contribute to your success
- How to feel on top of the world regardless of where you are living
- The critical top 10 tips for your safety and survival while travelling abroad
- The everlasting benefits and rewards of taking that leap into the unknown.

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Travels to Sumbawa and the Mountain that Changed the World
Derek Pugh
Derek Pugh

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In the best tradition of Paul Theroux and J. Maarten Troost, comes Derek Pugh's torrid tale of Sumbawa, and his ascent of the iconic volcano Mt. Tambora, whose 1815 eruption did indeed change the world.
Pugh's account of the eruption and its aftermath is masterfully done - clearly the product of much dogged research through archives, scientific journals, as well as conversations with Indonesians lasting long into the steamy night.
Himself a long-time resident of the neighboring Indonesian island of Lombok, Pugh is a well-qualified tourist who also brings a wry and rollicking insider's account of local and ex-pat life along the volcanic chain of islands.
The reader meets a wonderfully diverse cast of characters, from pre-schooler jockeys, to an ancient princess alone in her decaying Sultan's palace, to brainless Western surfer dudes and their chicks who have no clue about the history of the slacker's paradise they've stumbled upon.
Pugh does a sterling job of filling that gap in Asian travel writing, as the many-layered dimensions of Sumbawan culture - their strict Islamism, great friendliness, and intermittent traumas, with the colossal Tambora looming across every page - unfold to the reader like layers of volcanic earth from a hidden Pompeii.
Gillen D'Arcy Wood, author of Tambora: The Eruption that Changed the World (Princeton University Press, 2014)

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Taming Teens
The Adolescent Years
Anna Cohen
Hybrid Publishers

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Taming Teens is a practical guide that offers advice to navigate key challenges and issues that arise with teenagers, and to improve the communication between parents and their teens.
The book will appeal to parents who want to maintain a healthy, connected relationship with their teenagers, and find joy in guiding their journey into well-adjusted young adults.
Dr Anna Cohen, Doc.Clin.Psych, M.Clin.Psych, B.Psych(Hons), is one of Sydney’s leading Clinical Psychologists and leading authority on adolescent behaviour. She has drawn on her wealth of experience to develop her approach to parenting, which serves to empower parents and encourage them to direct and guide their teens, rather than control them.

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Tammy Damulkurra

Derek Pugh; The Sunshine Girls
Derek Pugh

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"a landmark in Australian literature" Maurice Rioli, MLA
Fifteen year old Tammy Damulkurra lives in Maningrida - a remote Aboriginal community in Arnhem Land. Tammy has friends and likes the disco and thinks at last she has her first boyfriend but he cheats on her and Tammy gets into a fight with her arch enemy, Sharon. Tammy's parents send her to the outstations for several weeks to cool off and she quickly gets used to the bush and fishing and hunting with relatives. When she returns to Maningrida her love life is a mess and it's not until she leaves again for school that she realises that it's all going to be okay.
Originally released in 1995 this second edition celebrates two decades of literacy education in remote communities in Australia.
"a story that will strike chords with many teenagers," with a "naive quality and adolescent voice (which) makes it instantly accessible" B Richardson

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Bring Your Best and Bring Out the Best in Others Across Multiple Teams
Keegan Luiters
Keegan Luiters Pty Ltd

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95% of knowledge workers are on multiple teams.
75% of those teams don't exist on the organisation chart.
We are on multiple teams because modern organisations need to operate as dynamic networks of teams to keep up with a rate of change that is outpacing their hierarchical structures that rely on rigid policies and procedures. Operating as a dynamic network of teams is a pathway to a more agile, dynamic and connected way of working.
For most of us, teamwork on multiple teams feels like a lot of work and not much team, draining us of energy, attention, and time.
Teamership gives you the tools to make multiple teams work. It exposes what has been hiding in plain sight - that our assumptions about how work gets done in modern organisations needs to shift.
You will explore:
What is stopping us from getting the most out of multiple teams.
How individuals, leaders and teams can thrive across multiple teams.
Teamership as a competitive advantage at all levels of an organisation.
Now is the time to work together as connected leadership teams, dynamic leaders, and energised individuals.

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Terroir of Golf
A Golf Book for Wine Lovers
Taba Dale
Ryan Publishing

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In 2016, I had my heart set on playing golf at two places in particular-Shiskine (Isle of Arran) and Machrie. Bounding around both of these golfing gems and many places in between, I discovered parallels between creating a unique wine (one which we savor when we drink), and that of a unique golf experience that we drink in while playing a course. As with a fine wine, it is equally intoxicating when a superb golf course delivers a powerful connection with nature. And so, while meandering around the dunes of The Machrie, all the elements coalesced for me into a single phrase: Terroir of Golf.
I borrowed from the world of wine; terroir (French from the word terre, or "land") refers to the specific environment where a particular wine is produced. The concept of terroir, as it relates to a crop of grapes, starts with the physical habitat-the soil, climate and the topography. This epiphany occurred to me while on Islay, much better known for whisky than it is for golf, thus I'm loosely borrowing from the world of whisky-making too.
I rather doubt that even the most sophisticated distilleries would use the word terroir to describe how they craft whisky (or whiskey in Ireland). Perhaps there is a Scottish word for the importance of the ground and the grain that goes into the making of uisge beatha (or uisce in Irish Gaelic) which translates into "water of life". It was the Irish monks of the early Middle Ages who used the Latin translation of aqua vitae to describe distilled alcohol. But that discussion requires a red, white or brown liquid, poured into a lovely crystal glass, with or without a stem, to be properly and luxuriously explored at great length. Taba Dale

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Testing 3, 2, 1
What Australian Education Can Learn From Finland
Michael Lawrence
Melbourne Books

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Testing 3, 2, 1 is the story of how Australian education fell behind the world’s best and how Finland came to lead. It is also a guide to how some of Finland’s ideas can be used by teachers and schools to begin to reverse the current malaise of Australia’s education system.
Part memoir, part investigative journalism, part call-to-action, this easy-to-read and highly compelling plea for an improved education system can’t be ignored ... Lawrence reminds us that we can (and must) do better.
- Jared Cooney Horvath PhD, Educational Neuroscientist, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne. Author of Stop Talking, Start Influencing: 12 Insights from Brain Science to Make Your Message Stick

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That Stranger Next Door

Goldie Alexander
Clan Destine Press

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In 1954, Melbourne is still reeling from WWII; the Cold War sees suspicions running high and the threat of communism and spies hide in every shadow.
Jewish schoolgirl, Ruth, is trying to navigate her own path, despite her strict upbringing and the past that haunts her family.
It's a path that she wishes could include her first love, Patrick, but the rich Catholic boy is strictly off limits.
When a mysterious woman moves in next door in the dead of night, Ruth is convinced she is none other than Eva or Evdokia Petrov, a Soviet spy and wife of the infamous Russian defector, Vladimir Petrov.
Could Ruth's unlikely new friend really be the most sought-after woman in Australia?
Will Ruth's own clandestine meetings with Patrick be discovered?
How does the Petrov Affair, as it became known, impact the life of one ordinary girl and her family?

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The 'Good Enough' Parent
How to Provide For Your Child's Social and Emotional Development
Andrew Wake
Andrew Wake

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How to provide for your child's social and emotional development
Do you worry about your children?
Are you confused or confronted by their emotional outbursts?
Do you often find yourself wondering, 'What do I do now?'
Child and adolescent psychiatrist Andrew Wake has worked with children, adolescents and their parents for more than ten years, and knows how difficult it can be for parents to manage their own emotions let alone help their children manage theirs.
He explains that children naturally want everything, but that our job as parents is to give them 'just enough'. Indeed, parenting can be thought of as a gradual shift from 'saving' our children (telling them what to do) to 'supporting' them (allowing them the freedom to learn for themselves).
Dr Wake demystifies children's behaviour by explaining how their brains and their early attachment experiences work together to influence their emotional development.
He offers practical advice on:
- responding to strong emotions
- setting boundaries
- communicating as a family
Peppered with excellent case studies, this reassuring book will inspire confidence in parents, carers and anyone who works with children.


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