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Coral Sea Calling
Pioneer Tales of Australia's Northern Waters
Author: Ion Idriess RRP A$9.99 (Ebook)
Publisher: ETT Imprint Pub Date: 2023-03-01
BIC Category: Biography: general ISBN: 9781922698568
BISAC Category1: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Adventurers & Explorers


The treacherous and beautiful Coral Sea is the background for this story of the nineteenth century adventurers on perilous voyages into its waters in search of the bĂȘche-de-mer and pearl shell; of the savage chiefs who ruled its islands; of the seamen who charted it; of the explorers struggling up the Queensland coast; a tale of the taming of the wilderness and its people. in all Idriess books, there is always something good somewhere; and here it is the two chapters on Jemmy the Hook, who had had both hands chopped off by mutinous islander-crews, and who returned with iron hooks instead of hands to take a gruesome vengeance on yet another mutinous crew; it is a story which calls all the Idriess descriptive powers into play, and the reader avid of blood-and-guts can be assured of exactly that. - The Bulletin, 1957
As so often in Australian letters, an initial fall into obscurity and harsh judgments of the literary establishment serve as good indicators of a writer's pre-eminence. - Nicholas Rothwell, The Australian, 2017

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