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Author: James Beckingham RRP A$9.99 (Ebook)
Publisher: James Beckingham Pub Date: 2023-04-01
BIC Category: Fantasy ISBN: 9780645599671
BISAC Category1: FICTION / Fantasy / Epic
BISAC Category2: FICTION / Fantasy / Historical


A centuries old battle is about to erupt, and the future of all the races rests upon the most unlikely people in the Empire.
Aerik is a slave, his life surrounded by squalor and death. By day he works in the fields, at night takes solace in a secret slave bar, entertaining his friends and helping them escape the grim reality of life. When the Drakes destroy all he holds dear, Aerik is left with a burning desire for revenge...
Honoured SongForger, Kelkh Ironbound is one of the rare few Drakes gifted with the ForgeSong, a magic that allows him to create weapons of immense power. He encounters Annah, a human outcast shunned by her own people.

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