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Love Is the Answer
Author: Tracy Madden RRP A$9.99 (Ebook)
Publisher: Brolga Publishing Pub Date: 2016-05-01
BIC Category: Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945) ISBN: 9781922175519
BISAC Category1: FICTION / Contemporary Women
BISAC Category2: FICTION / Romance / Contemporary


Peach Avenel is a broken woman. She thought she had a loving marriage. She thought she would be starting a family. She thought she had a successful career... Peach was wrong. She has a life that no longer fits, filled with broken dreams. When a tumbled down house with a neglected garden comes into her life by serendipitous circumstances, Peach feels something stir within her and although she prefers Jimmy Choo shoes to gum boots, she is drawn to the house and the garden. What unfolds is a story of humour and love. Of cupcakes and cactus. And of a young woman learning about herself and finding out sometimes you need to break open to find who you really are.

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