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Journey of a Lifetime, Volume 1
Author: Martin Kari RRP A$9.99 (Ebook)
Publisher: Martin Kari Pub Date: 2017-12-01
BIC Category: Memoirs ISBN: 9781925283037
BISAC Category1: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs
BISAC Category2: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Cultural Heritage


We are all on a journey. In life we are given a humble start and travel then individually. 'Journey of a Lifetime, Volume One' recounts the bumpy beginnings of my own journey, that of an ordinary citizen: World War II, refuge, childhood in after-war-Germany, exploring first: Europe, Asia Minor, North-Africa, where I met other people in their own environment and learnt also from them.
Everything finds a place in a "Journey of a lifetime": controversy, challenges, education, efforts, hobbies, work, travels, romance, disappointments and successes.
Courage with a positive outlook overcomes many hurdles in this autobiography.

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