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Synchronicity and Dreaming
Guidance For Our Lives
Author: Richard J King RRP A$6.99 (Ebook)
Publisher: ETT Imprint Pub Date: 2016-11-15
BIC Category: Dreams & their interpretation ISBN: 9781925416701
BISAC Category1: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Dreams
BISAC Category2: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Inspiration & Personal Growth


This is a book based upon the author's own experiences of synchronistic events and dreams over seventy years, from which he carved out his own path, philosophy, self-reliance and responsibility. This led him to understand life's infinite possibilities and abundance - should we take the time to contemplate one's inner journey with gratitude and compassion for all sentient beings, with redemption even for what appears to be the most vile one can imagine... By taking stock of daily events, one realises he or she is in the right lane travelling in the right direction on life's highway. The transit stops being just inner peace and happiness, the destination beyond our wildest imagination.

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