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eBook Listing

Showing 1 to 15 of 81 titles

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9 Things
A Back-to-basics Guide to Calm, Common-sense, Connected Parenting Birth-8
Maggie Dent
Pennington Publications

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It is easy in our fast-paced, competitive, consumer-driven world to forget that children are not mini-adults, projects to be managed or problems to be solved. This common-sense guide to parenting and caring for children under eight, reminds us that a child’s development cannot be rushed, or crudely measured again milestones. It takes an entire childhood to grow and there is no perfect when it comes to parenting.
In her informed, heartfelt way, one of Australia’s favourite parenting authors Maggie Dent takes a comprehensive look at the 9 Things that truly matter in raising children, and why they matter so much. She uses the metaphor of a wise aunty, Wilma — a voice of ancient wisdom that seems to be disappearing amidst the chaos.
With passion, warmth and humour, Maggie draws on current research and her extensive experience as an educator, counsellor and mother of four to guide parents and caregivers in their endless decision-making, to raise children who are happy, healthy, strong, kind and resilient.
Commonly known as the ‘queen of common sense’, Maggie Dent has become one of Australia's favourite parenting authors and educators, with a particular interest in the early years, adolescence and resilience.
Maggie’s experience includes teaching, counselling, and working in palliative care/funeral services and suicide prevention. She is a dedicated advocate to quietly changing lives in our families and communities. She is the mother of four sons and a very grateful grandmother.
Maggie is the author of 11 books including her 2018 release Mothering Our Boys which is already a bestseller.

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A Childcare Expert's Guide to Enjoying Your Parenting
Stop Trying To Be Perfect and Embrace the Rollercoaster Ride
Susanna Bateman
Global Publishing Group

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A unique perspective - from a parent, grandparent and childcare expert.
If you want to enjoy your parenting and want your family members to thrive and have healthy relationships with each other, then this is the book for you.
International author and childcare expert Susanna Bateman is writing from lessons learned raising four children, enjoying 12 grandchildren and establishing a highly successful and award-winning Early Childhood Learning Centres chain in New South Wales, Australia.
If you are someone who really cares about making a difference in your child's life, then this book is definitely for you!
You'll learn:
- How to help your children know that they are valued which increases their self-respect
- How to find your authentic identity as a parent while increasing your confidence and self-esteem
- Simple steps to helping your children believe in themselves
- How to keep your children safe using technology
- How to develop strong family connections
- The golden rules for healthy role modelling
- The psychology of overcoming fear and anxiety
Learn to enjoy the ride!

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Activate Your Female Power
Reclaim Your Body, Fertility, Health, Happiness and Confidence as a Woman
Sharon Moloney
Global Publishing Group

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Stop trying to be 'just like the men' and start owning the power and beauty that is yours as a woman.
Have you ever wondered what it really means to be female? Do you sometimes resent being female in a man's world? Do you feel like something's missing in your experience of being a woman and don't know what? This book provides some answers to these deeply meaningful questions.
International author and speaker, Sharon Moloney PhD, has spent a lifetime exploring what it means to be female, including a doctorate in women's health and spirituality. As a women's health practitioner and clinical hypnotherapist, she has supported hundreds of women to learn how to love, enjoy and celebrate being female. In this book, she shares her discoveries about the power, beauty and unique spirituality of the female body.
The cultural blind-spots this book illuminates include:
- The female body as an ecosystem, not a machine, and how aligning with its natural laws can make you happy, healthy and fertile
- How to dismantle subconscious limiting beliefs about being female so you're free to enjoy it!
- Nature's blueprint for healthy fertility
- How to access the spiritual power in the female body to inspire confidence, self-appreciation and inner security
- The secret to transforming menstrual shame into pride and self-respect
- How to eliminate unnecessary spending on fertility treatments
- The keys to activate the female code for optimal health
Discover the beauty inside you, set yourself free!

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Additive Alert
Your Guide to Safer Shopping
Julie Eady
Woodslane Press

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Australia today is facing a health crisis such as we have never seen before. Rates of cancer, obesity, diabetes, asthma, ADHD and behavioural disorders in our children are all alarmingly high. What is happening and what can we do to safeguard our own health and the health of our children? Our diets must be part of the problem and fixing our diets must be a large part of the solution. The use of food additives in our everyday foods has increased so rapidly over the past 50 years that it is getting difficult to find foods which are additive free. Although most food additives are safe, there are many which are known to be harmful. Additive Alert will tell you quickly and easily which ones you need to avoid and why.

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Am I Living With an Addict?
Finding a Solution For Suffering Addicts and Families
Jackson Oppy
Kerr Publishing

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This book is not about drugs, it is about people. It is about those suffering from addiction and the struggles of the people around them. As well as describing how to identify if a loved one is in addiction, it provides clear information about the solution. With the right treatment addicts can recover.
Jackson Oppy has walked the road he describes, knows the pain of addiction and knows the road back to wellness, wholeness and stable family and social life.
'Am I Living With an Addict?' is the route map to wellness.
Jackson Oppy used drugs actively for 15 years. He and his family experienced all the pitfalls and trauma that comes with having a loved one in the grip of addiction and the hopelessness of believing that there was no way out.
After countless attempts to stop and after losing everything, Jackson entered recovery at age 35 and now lives alcohol- and drug-free. He now uses his experience in both active addiction and in recovery to help others at Hader Clinic in Melbourne. In his current role he deals with addicts and their families everyday, using his intimate knowledge of the problem and the solution.

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Annihilate Stress and Anxiety
21 Proven Strategies for a Balanced Life
Merryn Snare
Global Publishing Group

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Do you feel tired, stressed, or overwhelmed?
International author, psychologist, educator and stress management expert, Merryn Snare shares her breakthrough stress reduction secrets in an easy to understand format that will help you gain back control of your life.
You will learn:
- How stress builds and what to do about it
- How to feed your energy and prevent collapse
- Essential tips to get out of the negative stress spiral
- How to feel calm and relaxed every day
- Lifelong strategies for stress management
- To understand how your mind influences the way you feel, and how to use this to your advantage
- The proven formula for early detection of stress and anxiety
This book will help you take immediate control of your life.

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How a Combat Soldier Conquered Chronic PTSD to Live a Life that Truly Matters, and How You Can Too
Kevin Lloyd-Thomas
Global Publishing Group

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One out of every three veterans suffer from PTSD.
International author Kevin Lloyd-Thomas is an infantry combat veteran of two tours of Vietnam. Forward scout, machine gunner and section commander in a mechanized ready reaction and reconnaissance platoon, a platoon whose very existence became a controversy.
Very happy in his marriage and successful in business life, until nearly three years of unemployment threw his life into utter chaos - sending him crashing and burning into chronic PTSD, alcohol, substance and tobacco abuse, losing everything he had as a result. And then to planning his own suicide. Not if, but how.
This book is full of practical advice and ideas that will guarantee your road to success. Kevin tells of the mistakes he made, the bitter lessons learned, and how not to make the same mistakes he did. Kevin shares his breakthrough strategies, techniques, tools, and proven steps, to get you firmly and successfully back on track to living the life of your dreams.
You will learn:
- The psychology of PTSD and how to take back control of your life
- The 5-step life plan: why you must have it, how to implement it and live the life of your dreams
- Why you must seek help: how to do it anonymously, and where to go
- The 7 pillars of success you need to know
- The answer to the key question: do I stay in the military, or do I go?
- How to build a happy life and serious wealth, no matter what
- Essential strategies on how to market your military skills, from private soldier to general.
This book will help you take immediate control of your emotional, physical and financial destiny!

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Best and Fairest Sports Parenting

Nathan Burke
Melbourne Books

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Every parent wants to do the right thing by their sports-playing children. The problem is that no-one tells us exactly what the 'right thing' is.
Best and Fairest Sports Parenting is designed to outline exactly what the right thing looks like, and to increase the level of enjoyment between parents and their kids.
Your child may go on to become a professional player, and that's great if it's what they want. However, the best outcome you can hope for is that when they grow into adults, you can both reminisce about their formative sports-playing years with heartfelt fondness, enjoyment and love.

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Beyond Stroke
Living Independently With One Arm
Kate Ryan
Ryan Publishing

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We live in a two-handed world. Following a stroke or limb injury the transition from managing life with two hands to surviving with one can seem almost impossible.
This handbook provides step by step instructions for doing practical everyday life skills and recreational activities. The easy tools provided are simple to implement with the primary aim to live once again with confidence and independence in the real world.
'Beyond Stroke: Living Independently with One Arm' is an essential guide for anyone overcoming a stroke, people with shoulder, arm or hand injury and pain, carers, health professionals and community groups.
Kate Ryan is a stroke survivor and habilitation professional. Kate had a stroke at ten years old resulting in permanent left side paralysis. She continues to pursue her desire for personal independence and find unique ways to achieve two handed tasks with one hand.
Kate is an author and speaker with a message of hope for, and a way out of suffering for stroke survivors and disadvantaged people. She is an independent traveller, mother to three children and currently lives in Newcastle, Australia.

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Break-ups & Breakthroughs
Turn an Ending Into a Beginning
Lisa Messenger
The Messenger Group

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The days and weeks after a break-up are a tangled, hot mess of pain and uncertainty.
You can't eat. You can't sleep. You don't know where to put yourself. You don't know how to be.
But no matter how difficult, ugly or toxic the last season has been, there is healing and wholeness coming your way so you can breathe, smile, laugh and hope again. This book from bestselling author Lisa Messenger, penned after she endured her own difficult break-up, is the perfect collection of ideas and strategies gathered over many years to help you put yourself back together again - with just the right amount of kindness, humour and tough love to help you reach a place of peace and purpose.

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Calm Through Chaos
How to Build Resilience and Thrive Through Life
Tracy Busse
Brolga Publishing

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Tracy Busse was living a relatively normal life as mother, wife, and working woman when an unexpected heart event threw her into a storm, turning her calm into chaos...
This is her story. How she recovered physically and emotionally and discovered a greater depth of joy and compassion in her daily life.
Tracy shares practical skills that are accessible to us all and enable us to live a richer and more vibrant life filled with joy, creativity, compassion and resilience.
Life is unpredictable. Rather than being wiped out by the inevitable storms, Calm Through Chaos shows us we can learn to ride the waves of life and thrive with dignity and grace.
Author Tracy Busse is a heart patient advocate and a career and transitions coach. She runs Waveform Consulting to assist people to be the best they can be and live a creative and fulfilled life.

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Caring For Your Elderly Parent
A Practical Guide for Australian Families
Kate Sumner
Woodslane Press

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Today, more than two million Australians are over 70 years of age; by the year 2050 seniors are likely to make up almost 30 percent of the population. The implications of this are not just political; they are very personal. At some stage in life, most of us will help an elderly friend, parent, partner, relative or spouse make important decisions about their health and wellbeing, housing, care, finances, legal affairs and end of life care.
This book has been written for any Australian who loves and cares for an elderly parent or other person, anyone responsible for an elderly persons wellbeing, or who simply wants to prepare for their own future. It includes practical strategies for assessing older peoples needs; dealing with family dynamics; finding home help; preventing falls and other accidents; moving into an aged care home; managing financial and legal affairs; and getting the best possible medical and end-of-life care.

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Change Made Easy
A Simple 3 Step Process to Help You Make Effective and Lasting Change
Karen Wilson
Global Publishing Group

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Achieve what you have been dreaming about now!
Imagine... creating better health, relationships and enjoyment of life with ease! In 'Change Made Easy' international author, speaker, healer and educator Karen Wilson shares how to make it happen. Over 15 years of knowledge and insights condensed into 3 steps ensures you are ready and able to achieve the changes you desire.
You'll discover:
- The breakthrough 3-step process to make change confidently in any area of your life
- What it is you really want?... You may be surprised
- Magic can happen when you align what you want with what you believe
- Ways to identify and remove blocks that have kept you stuck till now
- How to harness the power of your mind to create the life of your dreams
- A passion for exploring, growing and having new experiences
- A sense of vitality, excitement and purpose when making change
"This book is a powerful tool for transformation with easy to follow strategies to create massive change." - Dee Rayson, author and founder of D-Code your Destiny
The time for change is now!

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Coping With Suicide

Christine J Howard
Global Publishing Group

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One million people commit suicide each year! That's one death every 40 seconds...
International author, speaker and life coach, Christine Howard is a mother who lost her 20 year old daughter to suicide.
In this book, she shares her first-hand experience of how this tragedy unfolded and affected her family and friends. Christine now coaches, counsels and supports other people who have been touched by suicide, or who are fearful that it may become a reality in their own life.
This book gives you practical tools and strategies to help yourself and others.
You'll discover:
- Essential strategies to help cope with sudden loss and grief
- How to recognise potential warning signs and contributing factors for risk
- How to know what to say and what questions to ask
- What NOT to say to someone you believe to be considering suicide as an option
- Where to get help, who to call and what to do
- How to dispel some of the myths surrounding suicide
- That grief has no time limit and that it's ok to cry
This book will empower you to take control of your emotional, physical and mental wellbeing.

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Drug Free Pain Relief
The Truth About How To Avoid Pain Even If You've Tried Other Methods
Suzanne McTier-Browne
Global Publishing Group

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You've tried everything! Now are you ready to learn how to live pain free?
Dealing with pain can be distressing and depressing but now is the time for you to take charge! This book is full of practical information and resources to help anyone who is suffering from back and neck pain, headaches, muscle and joint pain, sports injuries, stress etc. For those of you not in pain now, but have been in the past and definitely don't want it back again - this book is also for you!
At the age of 22, international author and natural therapist Suzanne McTier-Browne was diagnosed with fast progressing MS and given less than a year to live. In excruciating pain and with her mobility quickly deteriorating, Suzanne's own investigations gave her the tools which helped her fully recover and now help her clients deal with a variety of pain conditions. This ultimate guide can help you take back control of your life and live pain free!
You'll discover:
- Natural and non-invasive techniques to help free yourself from pain
- Body alignment tips crucial to relieving your pain plus helping you move and feel better
- The golden health rules you should know to improve your life and support your recovery
- Easy and practical ways to handle your physical and emotional stress
- Simple exercises and stretches you can do at home
- How to avoid aggravating your pain
- Case studies from real people who have used these techniques to relieve their pain and improve their quality of life
Take action and live pain free!


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