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eBook Listing

Showing 46 to 60 of 975 titles

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Among the Very Foreign

John Bryson
John Bryson

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Five Asian pieces, four from Kalimantan, Singapore, Taipei, Hong Kong, and one column piece from Samarinda, in one volume.
1. His Brow in Feathers, the Dyak Chieftain and his Equation for the Order of Time.
A Festival of Redemption, led by the Chief of the People Benuaq, Dyaks of the Central Lakes, Borneo.
His lake was once a mountain, which inverted its form in an act of compassion for people who were without fishing grounds. The people are grateful. They understand the force of will in such a feat.
2. Bugis Street Shoes.
Joey, a child of Singapore, makes his living in shoe-shine, from table to table in the restaurant mall Bugis Street, centre of the drag-scene, and since demolished by government decree.
June in Singapore is not winter so much as a breath between summers, and Bugis Street is now gone, but you will get to the right time and place by imagining the sweet smells of fruit and vegetable rinds, the inconsolable cadging of cafe owners and hawkers, and so much bright blue light from second storey windows that you could read a menu sitting at any table in the street at midnight.
3. A Good Pirate Crew Can Swarm Sitting Down.
You can do business of any sort at The Gangplank. The Gangplank is a bar in Taipei where it costs ten dollars, in premium grade currency, for a rum highball with a twist of scurvy.
4. Borneo Ferry.
A Muslim schoolboy rides home obeying the wish of Allah that he be present at his father's death.
This river is the Mahakam, a trade line inland from the Makassar Straits. The lower reach is a sea-mile wide, roadway for colliers, barges, log jams of softwoods, and ferries like ours, carrying miners, timber-cutters, shoppers from far villages, rattan baskets piled high on the roof.
5. Parties All Over Town.
The Handover of Hong Kong to China, commissioned by News Limited for the Handover Issue.
The handing back to China of Hong Kong was cause for celebration for most Chinese all over the world. In Hong Kong parties were everywhere, some by Chinese who had been waiting on this for decades, some by westerners who had made much money under colonial rule and whose partying was nostalgic, as those for the Merchant Bankers and in the British and the American Clubs. The stories of those parties reflect the ways continuing expatriates hope their fortunes should carry into their future.

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An A-Z of Creatures

Karen Allen
Little Steps Publishing

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A patterned and vibrant alphabet book of creatures old, new and legendary, from artist Karen Allen.

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An American Angler in Australia

Zane Grey
ETT Imprint

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In 1936, the celebrated American author Zane Grey arrived in the sleepy New South Wales town of Bermagui, with the express reason of angling for the world's largest fish - Marlin, sharks and Swordfish. Here is his little classic of the chase.
Four miles out I sighted a long sickle fin cutting through a swell. Did I yell, "Marlin!"? I certainly did. An instant later Peter sighted another farther out, and this tail fin belonged to a large fish. I could not tell whether or not it indicated a black marlin. It stood up three feet or more, and that much would make a tail spread of over six feet. These marlin were riding the swells and they were moving fast. The tails would come up out of the top of a swell and cut the water at more than a ten-knot speed. Then they would vanish. It is always necessary to run the boat in the right direction to head the fish off. The Avalon is fast - she can do eighteen knots when opened up - but we could not catch up with the big fellow.

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An Author Bites the Dust

Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint

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A cat... a ping-pong ball... a drunken gardener... With these slight clues to go on Detective-Inspector Bonaparte investigates the mysterious death of famous author, Mervyn Blake, who dies an agonising death late one night in his writing room.
But how did he die? No one knows. No one that is until Bony's acute observation of human nature uncovers the murderer - and the method used to kill Blake. One of the few Bonaparte mysteries not set in the outback, reveals Upfield at his best and most ingenious.
Napoleon Bonaparte - my best detective. - Daily Express

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An Eye For An Eye

Arthur Klepfisz
Brolga Publishing

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Blinded in the pursuit of revenge...
When pushed to the limits by a crooked copy who has been involved in the recent death of a prostitute and the machination of a secretive sect with connections within the Victorian Police Force, a psychiatrist develops an obsessive thirst for revenge which directly threatens his marriage and career, including his roles as a father and husband.
An Eye For An Eye explores the volatile nature of revenge - and questions the human capacity to overcome the seduction and obsession that comes with the desire to be the herald of justice.

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An Indecent Obsession

ETT Imprint

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(from Afterword)
'My interest in this, what can I call him, this Australian psycho, came about because of my efforts at writing and publishing accounts of the cases of the famous Queensland detective, Doctor Watson Holmes Jackamara. Unfortunately my interest in the case from the position of my subject palled, for as Jackamara said: ‘This bloke left a trail that you could follow in a four wheel driver.’ Because of this, I was about to conclude that there was little interest in writing the case up, but when I had my first interview with Dr. Jefferson Davis. I instantly saw that this was where the interest lay. Dr. Jeff Davis at that first interview expressed interest in being the subject of a book. To some extent I agreed with him and continued the interviews. When he was not under the complete control of his medication or his delusions, he was quite, well, charming. I also found a fascination in delving into the perverted mind of this serial killer, a unique but brutal man who, thankfully, for the good of the world, remains incarcerated in a hospital for the criminally insane hopefully for the rest of his life. In my judgment, formed over a hundred and ten interviews, he is too great a danger, to society and to women in general, to be ever released. I found him utterly incorrigible, a psychotic who not only believed his fantasies to be real, but used them to initiate a series of murders which he labeled as acts of vengeance. His deeds shocked Queensland at the time and the Courier Mail headlined it as AN INDECENT OBSESSION.' - Mudrooroo
'An Indecent Obsession' is a new novel from the author of 'Wild Cat Falling'.

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And Then... Vol 1
The Great Big Book of Awesome Adventure Tales
Ruth Wykes; Kylie Fox
Clan Destine Press

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Adventure ~ Action
Danger ~ Derring-do
Rip-snorting action adventures of the What If... What Next... and, most importantly, the And Then... kind.
A cohort of Australia's best genre fictioneers, and one bold Kiwi, present a fabulous and strange collection of action-packed adventure stories - each featuring two heroes.
The two-volume And Then... anthology features page-turning and genre-bending stories by 32 award-winning, established and emerging Australian writers of crime and speculative fiction. The settings are historical, futuristic and contemporary; the heroes are human, animal, alien and mythical; and their adventures are real-world, far-out, speculative, horror, mystery, science fiction and fantasy.
Welcome to And Then... Volume One in which 15 authors travel in time and space from Australia of the Gold Rush to an all-too possible dystopian future, from the Outback to Europe in the 1950s and the 21st Century, and from an apocalyptic New Zealand to worlds of steampunk fantastic and outer space exotic. Their heroes are flawed and fabulous, brave and humble; and their tales are enriched with panthers and budgies and demons and dragons - all manner of creatures real and endangered, ridiculous and heroic.
And Then... the Great Big Book of Awesome Adventure Tales Volume 1 features:
an introduction by Janeen Webb and stories by: Sulari Gentill, Jason Nahrung, Alan Baxter, Jason Franks, Lucy Sussex, Amanda Wrangles, Evelyn Tsitas, Peter M Ball, Narrelle M Harris, Dan Rabarts, Kat Clay, Sophie Masson, Tor Roxburgh, Emilie Collyer Tansy Rayner Roberts.

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And Then... Vol 2
The Great Big Book of Awesome Adventure Tales
Ruth Wykes; Kylie Fox
Clan Destine Press

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Once upon a time, in a land Down Under, from the depths of the Clan cave, Clan Destine Press issued a challenge to Australian and Kiwi authors to write cliff-hanging, Australian-flavoured, action-packed adventure stories for two protagonists; stories of the What If, What Now, And Then... kind.
This was a catnip call, an irresistible lure, a kid-in-a-candy-store kind of a challenge: what writer wouldn't want to take a crack at that?
To make it that little bit more intriguing, the editors decreed the stories could be contemporary, historical, realistic, far-out, spec-fic, horror, SF, or urban fantasy; and, in a spirit of mischief, that at least one of the two protagonists must be human. You'd think that would cover all bases.
But writers are a contrary bunch: they pushed these very broad boundaries even further. The result is not one, but two volumes of kick-arse, action-packed stories: And Then... The Great Big Book of Adventure Tales.
This is Volume 2: a fascinating collection of genre-bending adventure stories garnered from a mix of sf, fantasy and crime writers, happily encroaching upon each other's territories, and then some.

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Life in an Australian Motorcycle Gang in the 60s and 70s
David King; Maureen Lane
Melbourne Books

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David King was only ten years old when he met the Angels.
This is a story full of childhood adventures, street smarts and ingenuity. It is the story of a survivor in a time when violence in the home was commonplace, and of the gang of Angels who took him under their wing, protected him and taught him the value of 'safety in numbers'.
David's story also provides insights into the history of Melbourne's west and the teenage boys and girls who broke free of the norms of the 50s to rebel in the 60s. It is a snapshot of life in a motorcycle gang that had a code of conduct, common interests and specific values.

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Angels of Death
Doctors and Nurses Who Kill
Emily Webb
Clan Destine Press

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Serial killers in the caring professions.
Doctors, nurses and health workers have a duty of care to their patients to ensure they act in the best interests of an individual; and not act or fail to act in a way that results in harm.
But those featured within these pages are serial killers who roamed their places of work, preying on people at their most vulnerable.
Angels of Death is an updated collection of real life crimes exploring murders committed in hospitals and doctors' surgeries - the very places where lives are supposed to be healed or saved.
The accounts also include cases where the murderers struck in places that are meant to be safe havens, like aged care homes and even people's living rooms.
These disturbing crimes take place in Australia, the United Kingdom, the USA, Canada and Europe.
Emily Webb is a journalist and author, specialising in true crime. She co-hosts the popular podcast Australian True Crime.

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Angels: Guides and Goosebumps
Spiritual Stories About Manifesting the Life You Truly Want
Global Publishing Group

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Empower your life through contact with angels and guides to become the best you can be!
International author, speaker and spiritual master Kawena shares with you her many years of experience connecting with the angelic energies, and why as she approaches 90 years of age, she is so happy, full of energy and vitality and still living life to the full.
She will tell you about her amazing and unusual angelic encounters giving you hints on how to connect with your angels so they too can help you on your life's path.
Kawena's main ambition is to promote the angel energy. This can help bring about more love, more balance and more caring into the world, while accepting the angel energy naturally into our daily life.
As a professional guide and mentor, she reveals her secrets to her high energy, good health and inner peace.
You will discover:
- How Kawena connects with her angels and how you can too
- Stories from others who've had incredible experiences with angels and guides
- How to turn your life around and manifest your dreams and desires into a reality
- Powerful positive affirmations with key tips to help you increase your confidence and self-esteem
- Inside a free meditation CD download to help you utilise the full power of your mind
- Kawena's breakthrough breathing techniques that energise every cell and nerve ending in your body
- How to awaken your intuition
Empower your life and get connected today!

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Annabel's Chewy-Gooey Birthday Cake

Ken Williams; Karen Erasmus
Woodslane Press

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The day before her birthday, Annabel said: "I must have the biggest and best cake for my party!" Her mother, who always wanted the best for her precious Annabel, organised a special taste-test at Chef Pierre's Chocolate Emporium. Chef Pierre raised an eyebrow and twirled his magnificent moustache. He took up his whisk and said: "Watch this!" He... Beat-Whipped-Swirled-Twirled and "Voila! A chewy-gooey chocolate caramel mudcake with butterscotch syrup and every colour sprinkles!" Annabel bit into the cake. ZING! went her tastebuds. "HOORAY!" cheered the crowd. "Too plain!" said Annabel, smoothing down her posh, frilly dress...

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Annihilate Stress and Anxiety
21 Proven Strategies for a Balanced Life
Merryn Snare
Global Publishing Group

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Do you feel tired, stressed, or overwhelmed?
International author, psychologist, educator and stress management expert, Merryn Snare shares her breakthrough stress reduction secrets in an easy to understand format that will help you gain back control of your life.
You will learn:
- How stress builds and what to do about it
- How to feed your energy and prevent collapse
- Essential tips to get out of the negative stress spiral
- How to feel calm and relaxed every day
- Lifelong strategies for stress management
- To understand how your mind influences the way you feel, and how to use this to your advantage
- The proven formula for early detection of stress and anxiety
This book will help you take immediate control of your life.

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Margaret Preston
ETT Imprint

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No46: 'Why there are so many tables of still life in modern paintings is because they are really laboratory tables on which aesthetic problems can be isolated'
Margaret Preston's 92 Aphorisms have only appeared in a rare limited edition Recent Paintings 1929. This eBook edition offers the original design, the aphorisms and ten Preston woodcuts.
No53: 'A lemon can be an inspiration as well as a fruit'

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Jane Routley
Clan Destine Press

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The conclusion to The Dion Chronicles takes the Dion across the ocean to Aramaya, the centre of civilisation, in search of her missing niece, Syndal.
Dion and Kitten survive shipwreck to reach Akieva, the glorious capital of decadent Aramaya, where they find Syndal caught in a thrall of necromancy within the magnificent Winter Palace.
At the centre of this web lurks Dion's arch enemy Bedazzer, the ruthless demon who has vowed to possess her - no matter the cost. In the ensuing deadly conflict, Dion must confront the dark secrets of her own heart and the mighty evil concealed in those around her.


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